Monday, August 30, 2004

Busy Weekend

Here it is, Monday morning. How did it happen again so soon?

Friday night Karen, Michelle and I went to the HS football game. The band continues to improve and even the football team looks pretty good this year. So far they are 2-0. However, This week they play Southern Durham which is one of the top five teams in the state. We will see how that goes. Michelle was not at all interested in going to the game. But, after all was said and done, got into the game. Instead of leaving after half time, as originally planned, she elected to stay through to the end. At one point she said she wanted to play football. Karen heard that and gave it an emphatical NO.

Saturday, my soccer team, Team "Israel", had it's first practice. It was HOT and Muggy. The girls did very well. I think we will have a good team. We have one or two girls that are a little tentative but other than that everyone seems comfortable putting them shelved out there. Michelle did well; She hustled and passed the ball and helped clean up cones after practice. Keep it up Michelle!

Tyler and Kyle worked Saturday and Sunday getting the soccer fields ready for the upcoming season; repairing goals, lining the fields etc. One or both of them will lines the fields each week. Bob started doing this a few years back. Then Tyler started helping him. When Bob graduated Tyler took over. Now Kyle helps him. Kind of a family tradition. The hours are flexible; as long as the fields are in good shape for the weekend games.

Bob came home for the weekend. Most of his friends were either at school or busy so he hung around the house a little more than usual. Which was nice. We chit-chatted etc. His Birthday was Sunday; The big '20'. We took him out for dinner Saturday night and gave him his presents. He seemed to get what he wanted and was happy.

I didn't see much of Bob Sunday because I had to mow the lawn. (Typically Tyler or Kyle's job but they were working) After that I got all involved in this auction that was going on down the street. They were selling All their stuff at auction. They had some really nice stuff. They had a computer desk that Karen and I liked. We bid on it and won. The problem is the file drawers that would come with it were sold as a separate item and, well, we did not win those. So we basically now have a nice computer desktop without any drawer or file cabinets etc.; Useless to us. Now I get to try and sell it. The good new is I only spent around $100. The bad news is that I spent $100!

I also won another thing; It is a wine bottle holder. It is a bust of a French chef with his hand up. The wine bottle fits in his hand and the neck goes into his mouth. (picture to the right)

The other major weekend event was Tyler's latest purchase. Tyler had $300 burning a hole in is pocket. It was quite an ordeal for him to figure out what to do with that money. We tried to convince him to put it in the bank and save for a car. That didn't fly. So Saturday we went to the make and he bought an IPOD; the MP3 Player by Apple. Bob used his employee discount which saved Tyler some money. Tyler was always borrowing my mp3 player so he should get some good use out of the IPOD. And I won't have to constantly search for mine. It was a pain to get the IPOD set up. Probably because we have an old computer with a slow USB port. He tried and tried. Finally Sunday night I looked at it and we were able to get it working. I don't know what the problem was, but it is working now and Tyler is happy. After all that's what we all live for, to make Tyler happy. ;-)

Karen had a bad weekend, besides me spending money on stuff we can't use/don't need. She has a sinus infection and had a headache all weekend. She has a Dr. Appt. this afternoon. Hopefully some good meds will do the trick.

Saturday, after the Ipod purchase, I bought a good pedometer. We never found the McDonald's one. I had a mall gift certificate that I received from my team for coaching soccer last season. I figured this was a good healthy thing to get with the gift. It is much more accurate than the free McDonald's one I was using before, plus it calculates miles and calories etc. too. I will mostly use it for steps though. I took over 10,000 steps yesterday. I reset it a couple of times messing with it so I don't know exactly how many I took.

I am glad I purchased the pedometer but if I had not, Karen and I would probably not have taken the walk to calibrate it and I would probably not have seen the auction signs and I would not have bought the desk...

Oh well

Friday, August 27, 2004

Pond Disaster Averted

I am sitting in the waiting room at the doctor's office ( I am just getting my colesteral checked. ) writing this post on my PalmPilot. I will upload and send the log to the BLOG server when I get to the office. I thought the Dr. office opened at 7:30. It opens at 8:00 so I have a few minutes to kill.

On to the topic at hand. Last night, on the way home from work, Karen called an said the pond had drained (again). She said ther was a few inches of water so the fish were okay. She unplugged the pump and waited for me to get home.

The pond did this earlier this year when a pipe broke while we were away for the weekend. The pumps emptied the pond in no time. We lost all but two fish in that episode.

This time, Thanks to Michelle, we cought it early enough that the pond didn't drain compleatly. I cleaned the filter and began filling the pond back up. I had barely enough de-clorinator to treat the 1000+ gallons of water and dumped in every last drop.

As you might imagine, it can take a while to fill a 1000 gallon pond with a water hose. Now I have made, in the past, the mistake of leaving the hose running too long, effectivly washing away all of the de-clorinator and killing all of the fish. So not wanting a repeat of that disaster, this time I set the timer on the stove for 20 minutes so I would remember to turn the water off. After 20 minutes the timer went off and I checked on the pond. It still needed a few more minutes so I went back inside.... You guessed it, I forgot about the water. Some time later, after dinner was done and homework was checked, Tyler and I were looking up stuff on the internet and it hit me. I won't tell you what came out of my mouth but it wasn't an expression of joy. I jumped up, ran out and saw a soupy back yard.

You might recall that I earlier had used all of the de-clorinator on hand. So I hopped in the Volvo (using my new remote to open the door), ran to the nearest, and probably most expensive pet store and purchased $22 worth of de-clorinator.

To make an already long story not as long as it could be, as of this morning, the fish are fine.

The pond drained because a piece of filter material came loose and cloged up the filter outlet causing the water to want to find other places to go, e.g. Not in the pond. I'm going have to work on my filter design a bit I think.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

A Remote for My Volvo

When I bought my 97 Volvo back in May, one dissapointment I had was that the car did not come with a keyless entry remote. I just could not get use to not having one. (I know, but I'm a guy. What can I say). The dealer wanted $125 for a freaking remote. Well I started looking on EBay. Low and behold. Volvo remotes are a hot item on EBay. I made some half hearted attempts at some of them but mostly wanted to get a feel for how much they were going for. Well they were pretty consistantly going for around $40. I was ready to make my move. So Monday I had been watching this one sale. It was sitting at $28 with only 20 minutes to go. So I sat and waited till there was like 70 seconds to go and I placed a Max bid of $45. But the way it works is my bid shows up as $29 until someone else bids. Low and behold someone else bid with like 20 seconds left and placed their max bid of $40 (as I expected). So I ended up winning with a bid of $41. And there was no more time to bid. Who-ahhh! Anyway I received it today and it works great!.

I received the new roster for my soccer team this season. First practice is Saturday morning. I am looking forward to a new batch of girls and a new season. I will keep you posted on how the season progresses.

Bob is still struggling with anxiety at school. He will do OK. Apparently he drew a less than ideal roommate again. A smoker, reportedly rude, etc. He signed up for a single dorm room but has to wait for 10 days before he can move. Other than that he is settling in. He started classes. His schedule is a little tougher this semester. He has 2 writing classes. He is a little concerned about. He also started his job. He also has a web log. The URL is: if you would like to follow his saga.

Monday, August 23, 2004

Ah Monday... Sigh...

I decided I needed to remove a portion of my previous post incase some Nortel uppity-up happened upon it. As bad as it seems sometimes, I still need my job. So that is why it is shorter than before...

Friday night Michelle stayed with her grandparents while Karen Tim Tyler and Kyle headed off to the HS football game. Who knows where Bob went; somewhere with Jamie I presume. Anyway Without boring you with a bunch of details things went very well. The band is farther along than they ever have been since we have been around (6 year) this early in the season. They performed well both in the stands and on the field. Tyler and Kyle both did well.

Saturday Morning Karen baked a cheesecake for an early Birthday cake for Bob. She tried a different cooking method because she has had problems the last couple of times with it not cooking evenly and being underdone in the middle. The problem is it just took more than twice as long. It cut into our Disc Golf Schedule. But let me tell you it was worth it. YUM.

After the cake was made, and a brief rain delay, we did get in a round of disc golf. I did pretty well; I was only 2 over par for the day. I had 2 eagles. I also had a few double Bogies or worse so....Karen did well She had more par or better holes than I did but I still somehow managed a lower overall score. She is more consistent than I am. Tyler of course beat us all. He says he didn't have a good day but still managed to win by one point.

We planned on driving Bob to ECU on Saturday. But he decided there was really no reason for him to go that early so we drove him down Sunday morning instead. He is getting settled in. He had a bit of an anxiety attack after we left but seems to be doing ok now. Bob started his new job this morning; he will be filming ECU football practices. From what I can tell it will be for coaches reviews. He thinks some of the folks film the games too but I am guessing those folks would be the more senior members of the group... I dunno. To be seen I guess. He worked a few hours this morning and will work a few hours again this after noon. Once classes start he will mostly work weekday in the afternoons.

Other than that We watched some Olympics and I changed the oil, and rotated the tires on the van. I still need to do the other two cars but at least I got one done.

Friday, August 20, 2004

Nortel to cut 3500 jobs

{ removed portion of this post pertaining to Nortel Layoffs due to potential backlash. Sorry No free press here }

Michelle took the step-o-meter and I have not seen it in several days. That is why no update on that.

I am going to be coaching Michelle's soccer team again this fall. Practice starts next week.

The boys have their first official band performance of the year. Jordan has a football game Friday night. Karen and I will go help out and maybe even see a little of the game. Tyler's marching squad was selected "Squad of the Week"; reportedly because Tyler and company race back to their spots and are ready before the rest of the band consistently.

Bob leaves for school this weekend. It may be Saturday or Sunday. He is mostly all packed and ready to go. Jamie, Bob's girlfriend of 2+ years, leaves today. She is going to Western Carolina Univ. Bob goes to Eastern Carolina Univ. If you consider the compass for a moment, that suggests, correctly I might add, that they will be at opposite ends of the state. We shall see how that works out.

Karen has been running around chasing school supplies for the kids, and Food stuffs, cleaning supplies and other sundries for Bob. And of course keeping our ship sailing straight. Thank goodness for her and her organizational skills.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

What do I want to be when I grow up?

I remember growing up wanting to be a bunch of things. I wanted to be a doctor, until mom asked me to take a big ol' splinter out of her finger. I remember even wanting to be Santa Clause. Little did I know....

Anyway, Now that I am to old and have too many commitments to really change my career path I have been thinking about what I would rather be doing. I think I would be good at sales thought I really would not want to make a living at it. I think I would make a good teacher, or at least I would have before I had so many kids and my patience was warn thin. In fact I would have loved to be a High School Band director. Now I know I never had the musical talent to pull that off but I envy, in many ways, not all, the boys HS band director. He gets to create music. Not just music now, in the present, but music for generations to come. I attribute my kids enjoyment and success in music, at least in part to Mr. Watts, My Junior High School Band teacher. We didn't push the kids to play instruments but I think they saw how much I enjoyed messing around on my trumpet and wanted to be a part of it.

I digress.

I got into Computers, in large part because of my High School Computer teacher. I am not sure of his name, sadly, (Alfred something...It will come to me) but I can picture him. Because of his class I went to school with the intention of going into computer engineering. You know, designing the next generation computers etc. Well I won't go into how difficult an engineering degree is but needless to say I soon decided computer science would be fine; I still would be creating new programs that would make life easier, and the world a better place. I know, we all have naive view of the world in college don't we? Alas here I sit mopping up after other folks messes, attempting to defend the integrity, if not the intent of the software I am responsible for. Creating new and wonderful things? Well no. That, it seems is left up to the young pups. The ones who come to me when things don't work. I still am trying to make the world a better place. After all where would we be if there were no telephones eh? I know, quieter, less rushed. But the phone system, in general does serve mankind. For what it's worth, it facilitates local and global communications.

Ideally I would like to be working where I can more directly be a positive influence on kids. That kind of job produces something that will not be obsolete after a year. I guess that is why Karen and I became so involved in Scouts and why I coach kids soccer. Of course I could not make a living at those things either. So perhaps I will have to be happy doing what I can do to keep the idiots that run Nortel Networks, the company I work for, in line and convince them to do things the right way. I will just have work with kids as a hobby.

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Over the Hump Day

Well, its Wednesday and what do I have to show for the week so far.... Hmmmm. Not too much.

Monday night Karen, Howard (Karen's Dad) and I went to a Durham Bulls Baseball game. Bob got us free tickets. The Bulls were on a loosing streak but as usual, we brought them good luck and ended up winning 10 to 6. The game was good but we went mostly to watch Bob work; He was filming. Tuesday morning I was paged and worked from 12:30 AM till 4:30 AM. I Then had to get up and drive the boys to school at 6:45. Needless to say it screwed up my day.

I have always been a bit of a ditz; forgetful, inattentive etc. but it seemed to get worse over the past several months. Maybe the stress at work maybe the kids being home for break... I dunno. All I know is at times I couldn't't even remember my phone number. I went to the Doc and she suggested that perhaps I have Adult Attention Deficit; This echoed suspicions I have had for quite a long time. Anyway she prescribed Strattera. You probably have seen commercials. Unfortunately the drug has some side effects that I had hoped would go away or at least diminish over time; Nausea and chills mostly but also mood swings. The chills are not so bad any more, and the mood swings I can probably deal with (whether the family can is to be seen) but the nausea.... I was taking it in the morning but now I am trying to take it before bed. It makes my dreams more persistent and vivid. Thus I get a restless night sleep. We shall see how it goes. After just a few days I noticed a difference, specially at work. Though that could have been a placebo effect. I got off of it a few days to see if the nausea would go away, to verify it was the drugs. Karen and I noticed a relapse. So it is helping though I am still not the genius that I know I can be ;-)

We shall see how it goes.

I enabled comments on the web log. There is a link at the bottom of each post that allows folks to add comments to each post. Feel free... or not.

Back to work for me.

Monday, August 16, 2004

A Quiet Weekend

Over all we had a quiet weekend. Charlie was a bust for the most part. We received some rain but that is it. I didn't get anything done on my Honey-Do list except re-hanging the shower curtain Michelle managed to pull down on top of her when she slipped in the shower (she is ok).

Saturday we ate dinner at Karen's parents house. Melodie came and we played cards. And for once Tyler didn't win.

Karen and I made the cake for Noelle's Birthday party. (A story in itself which I won't go into here). The cake was a large yellow flower, with a purple middle and a bee getting ready to collect some pollen. Sunday, around noon we all took the cake to the party where it was well received.

Sunday afternoon Kyle and I went for a bike ride. We rode to Research Triangle Park, to Nortel, Wondered around a bit then rode home. We rode probably around 14 miles. Kyle was patient and stuck with me; I don't do well on hills. I didn't remember how steep that last hill was. It didn't seem steep going the other way.

I turned the ability for folks to add comments to the log (I think). So if anyone wishes to add a comment to the web log feel free. It may not show up on the page (I don't know how it works yet) but I should receive it anyway.

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Extreme Disc Golf

Karen called me at work Friday around 4:30 saying to hurry home so we could get a round of Frisbee golf in since Charlie threatened to wash out the weekend. So I rush home and Tyler, Melodie, Michelle, Karen and I head to UNC to play the course there. We have not played that course yet and wanted to give it a try.

To make a long story short, the course was heavily wooded at time, one hole you threw over (or in) a pond and some of the holes were very long. We did not keep score but clearly Tyler would have won. The extreme part of the day was not so much the course but the extreme rain that came down around hole 9. We got soaked but played on. The good news is that we found 2 other discs while hunting for ours in the woods. We will have to try the course again. It was quite different from what we usually play.

Charlie amounted to almost nothing for us in Durham. We got some rain but not that much. We got more with Bonnie. NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING.

The boys survived their first week of school. Kyle is taking a percussion ensemble class as opposed to traditional band class. He is very excited about the class. He practices constantly. He is also in the marching band. Most freshmen are not but like Bob and Tyler, Kyle is playing in the front ensemble; they play marimba, xylophone and other auxiliary percussion on the sidelines while the rest of the band marches formations on the field.

Other than band Kyle is taking Honors Biology, Honors English, Honors Integrated Math 2, Honors World History, and Computer Applications.

Tyler is taking Honors Band, Honors English 3, Honors Integrated Math 4, AP Environmental Science, AP US History, and Spanish 1.

Michelle is on TV!. The Durham public schools has an information channel on cable. It cycles through every 10 min. or so giving information about school events and announcements for all the schools in the system. Then they may do a special segment on a given program. In one of the special segments, they show a shot of a school lunchroom. Michelle is in the shot eating her lunch. she has about 5 seconds of screen time.

I have not warn the step-o-meter the past couple of days so no update there.

Friday, August 13, 2004

TGIF... Even if it is the thirteenth

Today Karen is baking a cake for our neighbor's Birthday. Noelle turned 3 on Wednesday. The party was planned to be on Saturday at the park but hurricane Charlie will probably cause it to be rescheduled till Sunday. Anyway Karen and I will be decorating the cake Sometime this weekend. Then going to the party. Karen made a giant chocolate chip cookie, decorated it and we all, cept bob, who was working, over on Wednesday and sang Happy Birthday. Normally she is quite outgoing and comfortable with us but she hid behind daddy's leg while we sang. Noel and her little sister, Lana (3 mos. old). are both adorable. You can see them at:

Other than that, this weekend I need to change the oil in all three cars, assuming a tree is not blown over on one of them. I also need to give myself a haircut, clean the pond, sharpen the lawn mower, find the rattle in the van and.... well I know there are other things on my list to do. I need to get them done before Marching band season is in full swing and Michelle's soccer season starts.
It's going to be a nasty weekend due to the afore mentioned weather system. Maybe we will get a game of Disc Golf in but it looks doubtful. It will be a good weekend to stay inside and watch the Olympics.

Several folks have asked me how I have time to keep this web log up to date etc. Well, we will see how long it lasts but, for now, for the most part, I take a couple of minutes while my computer is backing up my e-mail boxes or doing the virus scan thing. Right now it is copying my local copies of my archive e-mail boxes up the network. How long can that take you ask? Well I keep 14 months plus of most all e-mail sent or received. I archive almost all work related e-mails but probably only half of my personal e-mail. But all in all it occupies on the order of 800 MB. It takes about 5 minutes to zip them and copy it to the network. It took me 15 min. to write this.... Oh well.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Not a good decision Governor Easley

I gotta bitch about something and I figured this is as good a forum as any.

Our fair state of North Carolina has legislated ( House Bill 1464) that public schools open no sooner than Aug. 25 and close no later than June 10. The goal is to give families more time for summer vacation and help the state's tourism industry. The plan cuts 10 teacher workdays, but it keeps the same number of class-days for students.

By all means, our children's education should take a back seat so the beach communities can make more money! :-(

Personally, I believe the added teacher work days provide more opportunity for teachers to plan, but more importantly attend training etc.. Secondly it provides more out of class time students can utilize to complete projects and to just plain study. Thirdly, at least Durham public schools, A large proportion of the teacher work days are lost to snow makeup days. Last year we not only lost a fair number of work days but it extended the school year. Extending the school year is fine except, from my understanding, the dates grades were due did not change, and the graduation dates did not change, High school exam dates did not change so the last week of school was a complete waste of what should have been instructional time. Finally the shorter the summer break means less review of last years curriculum this year. The students will retain more of what they learned last semester if the next semester starts sooner.

Parent's complain that the short summer break makes it difficult to travel. I'm sorry, if your can't go to the beach in the 2 and a half months of summer break how is an extra 10 days really going to help you. This in my opinion is a weak argument. Besides, as we all know, if the parents feel that strongly about taking their children on vacation they will do it regardless of the school calendar.

Now I realize tourism is important to the state. But we are talking about folks who already live in the state, who, if they are not spending their money at the beach will spend it elsewhere in the state. I do not see a net gain in revenue for the state here. What am I missing?

<Off the soap Box>

Step-o-meter count was 6500 yesterday. Hmmm. Gotta work on that.

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Good Job Bob!

Bob was awarded the employee of the quarter at the Apple store! They call it something else but that is the jist of it. They gave him a $100 Apple gift card. He bought nifty little digital camera; a floor model. He is doing quite well there. He will possibly working at ECU filming the football games and other athletic events. I'm not sure if it is for the athletic department or what. But It sounds interesting. He should hear soon on that. There is also a position at the ECU bookstore. They will need a campus MAC guru. The guy that does it now is leaving, or graduating... not sure. That would start in the spring. Not a sure thing but it looks good. Bob Goes back to school on the 21st.

Ty and Kyle start school today. We went to Kyle's Freshman orientation last night. Tyler went too; He was a guide. I'm not sure either of the boys is particularly ready to go back I think they are both excited about school none the less.

Michelle is student of the week this week. She earned that distinction for her citizenship and work habits. Her picture and a little bio was included in the class newsletter.

The band director cited Tyler as one of the best marchers in his newsletter He was proud of that. He is REALLY working hard this year. He has become one of the leaders in the band.

My step count was 6800 yesterday.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Thanks Microsoft

Wouldn't you know it. I try and be a good son-in-law. I updated my father-in-law's computers with the latest drivers for his wireless network. He didn't ask me to. I just thought I would be nice. Well leave it to Microsoft to turn my unselfish act into a act of techno-terrorism.

The following day Howard called and left a message with one of my sons, who's name will not be mentioned, that his computer was showing the "blue screen of death" and that he could not get it to connect to their network. Later that evening he came by the house and told me in person.

I went over to their house to hopefully quickly fix the problem. 2 hours later I still did not have it fixed. Not only did his wireless card no longer work but the wired network adaptor didn't work either so I could not try again to update the drivers.

Looks like I will be spending more time at the in-laws this weekend.
Other than that, Tyler, Michelle, Karen and I Played Disc Golf again Sunday. No Bees this time. While None of us has stellar days, Tyler still managed to wipe the floor with the rest of us. I suppose I should be proud of my son.... I suppose.

I did not wear the step-o-meter yesterday so no news on that front.
I am trying a new way of submitting a post to the web log; Via e-mail. We shall see how well this works.

Saturday, August 07, 2004


Michelle Karen and I went to play Disc Golf again this morning. Tyler was at breakfast with Melodie's family so he didn't play. Anyway I had a pretty good day. I made par for the course. I was over the first 9 but under the second. Karen came in a close second and Michelle third.

On hole #17 Michelle threw her Frisbee into the bushes. She went in to get them and quickly came out saying there were bees all over the place. Being the gallant man I am I went in after her disc. I didn't see the bees immediately but let me tell you, they saw me. I managed to get her disc then felt the first sting. There were probably 20 bees on me when I ran out of the bushes. I now know what NOT to do when being swarmed by bees. Running around like an idiot, swatting at the bees just makes them madder. Stop Drop and roll doesn't do the trick either. In hindsight I should have stopped and gently scooped the bees off of me. I got away with only 5 or 6 stings. I consider myself lucky.

I said I was going to keep track of the number of steps each day, as you might remember. Well yesterday the step-o-meter showed I took 11,000+ . Granted the pedometer I am using is the cheap one I got at McDonalds so it's accuracy is under some question but it gives you a round number.

Friday, August 06, 2004

What happened this week, Sun Spots?

Wednesday and Thursday I got Hammered at work; All kinds of issues rolling in. NY Port Authority screaming about calling name delivery not working; The big issue I fixed earlier in the week broke something else, SBC has Peripherals bouncing up and down. Documents to review. Consulting......

I worked most of the night Wednesday night (got about 4 hours sleep) then I worked till 2:00Am Thursday night.

So as you might expect... Not to much else to talk about here.

Looking forward; Ty & Kyle have been at band camp. They have a pot luck dinner tonight and the band will perform what they have of the show so far. Chances are it will have to be at a stand still since the football field is probably really soggy with all the rain we have had of late.

This weekend... Probably gonna get my resume completed and send some out. There are plenty of honey-d0s to keep me busy.

I have one of those pedometers straped to my waist. I'm trying to get to the point I do 10,000 steps a day. So far, after about a week and a half, my high mark is aroutn 7300. Low was around 3000. Thats what happens when you spend all day in front of a computer. I'll keep you posted on my steps

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Another day, another buck fifty.

It's a rainy day here in NC; Mostly because of ALEX. It wasn't supposed to become a hurricane. That shows you what the weather folks know around here.

Work is a depressing place lately with more talks of layoffs, Massive internal restructuring etc. No one knows what they will be working on next week or if they will have a job at all. Meanwhile I keep plugging away on what I have in front of me. If it's something different tomorrow, or nothing tomorrow. I am sure somebody will let me know.

The Red Cross is in the building today I have a 9:00 appointment to give blood. Instead of giving a single unit I have been giving an Apheresis donation. They hook me up to a special machine and collect only red blood cells. This way I get back all the other fluids, platelets etc. and they take up to twice as many red blood cells as they would have in a single unit of whole blood. Since I am O+ they say this is more helpful. So there ya go.

Monday, August 02, 2004

Mundane details of my weekend

My first real post....

We had a good weekend overall. Tyler Karen and I played Disc Golf early Saturday morning. Tyler had an exceptional day otherwise Karen may have beaten him. Me, well I try hard.
More information on Disc Golf can be found at

Melodie came over after work. She stayed for dinner then we watched "The Butterfly Effect". This was a disturbing movie. I thought it was a good movie. It is one of Tyler's all time favorite. Karen is still undecided. I figured if we are still talking about it the next day then good or bad it was worth watching.

Saturday Karen Michelle and I got up and took a bike ride. We probably went around 5 miles. When we returned home Tyler wanted to play another round of Disc golf. So Tyler Karen Michelle and I played another round. Tyler did not have as good a day as Saturday but still managed to win. Michelle had some really good shots but I managed to beat her. Karen came in a close second. I think we need to figure handicap scoring so I have a shot.

I spent much of the rest of the day polishing up my resume and watching Soccer on TV.
Kyle is on a bicycling craze He has been riding at least 10 miles a day probably 5 outta 7 days a week. He rode with Karen Michelle and I last weekend but I think he likes go a little faster than we did. He said he did ten miles on Sunday.

Bob is working his Jobs at the Apple store and with the Durham Bulls. Jamie came over last night for dinner. We didn't see much of them though. They spent the evening watching a movie upstairs.