Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Another day, another buck fifty.

It's a rainy day here in NC; Mostly because of ALEX. It wasn't supposed to become a hurricane. That shows you what the weather folks know around here.

Work is a depressing place lately with more talks of layoffs, Massive internal restructuring etc. No one knows what they will be working on next week or if they will have a job at all. Meanwhile I keep plugging away on what I have in front of me. If it's something different tomorrow, or nothing tomorrow. I am sure somebody will let me know.

The Red Cross is in the building today I have a 9:00 appointment to give blood. Instead of giving a single unit I have been giving an Apheresis donation. http://www.givelife2.org/donor/apheresis.asp They hook me up to a special machine and collect only red blood cells. This way I get back all the other fluids, platelets etc. and they take up to twice as many red blood cells as they would have in a single unit of whole blood. Since I am O+ they say this is more helpful. So there ya go.