Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Over the Hump Day

Well, its Wednesday and what do I have to show for the week so far.... Hmmmm. Not too much.

Monday night Karen, Howard (Karen's Dad) and I went to a Durham Bulls Baseball game. Bob got us free tickets. The Bulls were on a loosing streak but as usual, we brought them good luck and ended up winning 10 to 6. The game was good but we went mostly to watch Bob work; He was filming. Tuesday morning I was paged and worked from 12:30 AM till 4:30 AM. I Then had to get up and drive the boys to school at 6:45. Needless to say it screwed up my day.

I have always been a bit of a ditz; forgetful, inattentive etc. but it seemed to get worse over the past several months. Maybe the stress at work maybe the kids being home for break... I dunno. All I know is at times I couldn't't even remember my phone number. I went to the Doc and she suggested that perhaps I have Adult Attention Deficit; This echoed suspicions I have had for quite a long time. Anyway she prescribed Strattera. You probably have seen commercials. Unfortunately the drug has some side effects that I had hoped would go away or at least diminish over time; Nausea and chills mostly but also mood swings. The chills are not so bad any more, and the mood swings I can probably deal with (whether the family can is to be seen) but the nausea.... I was taking it in the morning but now I am trying to take it before bed. It makes my dreams more persistent and vivid. Thus I get a restless night sleep. We shall see how it goes. After just a few days I noticed a difference, specially at work. Though that could have been a placebo effect. I got off of it a few days to see if the nausea would go away, to verify it was the drugs. Karen and I noticed a relapse. So it is helping though I am still not the genius that I know I can be ;-)

We shall see how it goes.

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