Friday, August 06, 2004

What happened this week, Sun Spots?

Wednesday and Thursday I got Hammered at work; All kinds of issues rolling in. NY Port Authority screaming about calling name delivery not working; The big issue I fixed earlier in the week broke something else, SBC has Peripherals bouncing up and down. Documents to review. Consulting......

I worked most of the night Wednesday night (got about 4 hours sleep) then I worked till 2:00Am Thursday night.

So as you might expect... Not to much else to talk about here.

Looking forward; Ty & Kyle have been at band camp. They have a pot luck dinner tonight and the band will perform what they have of the show so far. Chances are it will have to be at a stand still since the football field is probably really soggy with all the rain we have had of late.

This weekend... Probably gonna get my resume completed and send some out. There are plenty of honey-d0s to keep me busy.

I have one of those pedometers straped to my waist. I'm trying to get to the point I do 10,000 steps a day. So far, after about a week and a half, my high mark is aroutn 7300. Low was around 3000. Thats what happens when you spend all day in front of a computer. I'll keep you posted on my steps