Saturday, August 14, 2004

Extreme Disc Golf

Karen called me at work Friday around 4:30 saying to hurry home so we could get a round of Frisbee golf in since Charlie threatened to wash out the weekend. So I rush home and Tyler, Melodie, Michelle, Karen and I head to UNC to play the course there. We have not played that course yet and wanted to give it a try.

To make a long story short, the course was heavily wooded at time, one hole you threw over (or in) a pond and some of the holes were very long. We did not keep score but clearly Tyler would have won. The extreme part of the day was not so much the course but the extreme rain that came down around hole 9. We got soaked but played on. The good news is that we found 2 other discs while hunting for ours in the woods. We will have to try the course again. It was quite different from what we usually play.

Charlie amounted to almost nothing for us in Durham. We got some rain but not that much. We got more with Bonnie. NOT THAT I AM COMPLAINING.

The boys survived their first week of school. Kyle is taking a percussion ensemble class as opposed to traditional band class. He is very excited about the class. He practices constantly. He is also in the marching band. Most freshmen are not but like Bob and Tyler, Kyle is playing in the front ensemble; they play marimba, xylophone and other auxiliary percussion on the sidelines while the rest of the band marches formations on the field.

Other than band Kyle is taking Honors Biology, Honors English, Honors Integrated Math 2, Honors World History, and Computer Applications.

Tyler is taking Honors Band, Honors English 3, Honors Integrated Math 4, AP Environmental Science, AP US History, and Spanish 1.

Michelle is on TV!. The Durham public schools has an information channel on cable. It cycles through every 10 min. or so giving information about school events and announcements for all the schools in the system. Then they may do a special segment on a given program. In one of the special segments, they show a shot of a school lunchroom. Michelle is in the shot eating her lunch. she has about 5 seconds of screen time.

I have not warn the step-o-meter the past couple of days so no update there.