Monday, October 11, 2004

A New Leaf... Again. Medical Updates

I went to the Dr. on Thursday for a follow-up on the Strattera and to go over test results from blood work done last a few weeks back.

I have pretty much figured out the Strattera. I have been taking it right before going to bed so I do not get nauseous. Before I started taking the medication I could usually fall asleep anywhere, any time without too much trouble. Once asleep I may get up once if nature calls or if I am snoring and Karen aims her elbow just right. ;-) It may sound funny but before, if I ever had a night that I dreamt a lot, I had a restless night. One of the side effect of taking Strattera, specially at night, is that I dream really vivid dreams and I dream A LOT. It took a couple of weeks but I have gotten use to it for the most part. I still feel like I wake up more in the middle of the night but overall I do not feel fatigued in the morning so I guess I am getting the sleep I need. On the upside, I have been much more focused at work and have been more effective. My last performance review with my manager was very positive. *Lets see if it gets me through this round of lay-offs

On the negative side, I have gained quite a bit of weight back. I am not back up to my pre-Weight Watchers days but heading in that direction. And, my cholesterol is up significantly. I am still under the dreaded 200 mark but the change in my numbers from my last physical was notable to my Doc. SO, More exercise, more fruits and veggies and Less trips to the candy vendor. She suggested fish oil supplements.

She also suggested (again) that I get off the caffeinated sodas. ( He types as he takes a sip of his Diet Dr. Pepper) Mostly because of the ADD thing, not for any other specific reason. This is one area I will definitely have some trouble. I can eat healthy food. I love healthy food, probably too much. I love a good salad. I adore apples, specially this time of year. Bring on the asparagus, even if it does make my pee smell bad. I can even manage to reduce the amount of food I intake, if I tryreal hard. But I can only drink so much water. I like sodas. I drink diet sodas at least. OK, OK. I will cut back.... some... right after I finish this one.

Today, on the scale at home, I was 212.5 lbs.. I will, once a week, post my G-factor so you can berate me when I go up. * and send me candy when I loose weight ;-)

Enough about me.

Karen's PVC have gotten better. They still come and go. She is planning on discussing this with the Dr. this week.

Tyler's cough is better but still is not completely gone. Today he took the last dose of medicine. He missed a day or two and he said he could tell a difference on those days. Keep your fingers crossed. He has an appt. on Wednesday to get the flu shot. He is high risk due to the asthma. The rest of us will have to fend for ourselves.

Bob was sick late last week and into the weekend. They don't know exactly what it was but it sounded like food poisoning to me. But that is just a guess. I was better yesterday when we talked to him.

Michelle lost a tooth Sunday. She kept messing with it all morning, driving us nuts and getting tooth blood all over her clothes. It was really loose and bothering her but she would not let me pull it. Finally she let mom. It was out before she knew it. No muss, no fuss. (I could have done it.)


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