Friday, September 17, 2004

Support Your Local Golf Course

We did our part to support our local golf courses yesterday. Both Karen and Tyler had unscheduled Dr. Visits.

Tyler has had a nagging nasty cough for weeks and weeks. We took him to the Dr. 2 weeks ago and they gave him some Anti-Biotics. They thought it was possible allergy related, perhaps a little of his asthma contributing but I think the thought was a sinus infection was the cause of the mucus causing the cough. He did the course of Anti-biotic. No help. Also he had developed a wart or two on the bottom of his foot, under his toes. Back in July, when we took him in for his annual checkup they attempted to freeze them off. Well it apparently didn't quite go deep enough because the wart just got bigger and now was quite painful. So because of the constant hacking cough and the complaints about his warts, Karen took him in to the pediatrician. The diagnosis was pneumonia and he had grown a wart underneath the original wart! He's a talented individual huh?. So they froze the warts again. This time much deeper. The Dr. kept freezing, waiting for some sign of pain indicating time to stop. Tyler on the other hand did not understand this and did not want to show signs of discomfort. As you might imagine. He now has discomfort. As for the pneumonia, he is on a different antibiotic. Let's hope for a speedy recovery.

Last night I had to run Karen to the Urgent Care clinic. She had been noticing a "fluttering" in her chest on and off since Sunday. She had experience these before so there was no reason to worry. Through the week they were becoming more and more frequent, a couple every few minutes. They were more noticeable and therefore more worrisome.

You have to understand Thursday nights are a big night in our household. Not only is "The Apprentice" and "Joey" on TV but it was the first episode of "Survivor". So when Karen started to become worried and wanted to go to the Dr. . I knew she meant business; She wouldn't miss the premier of Survivor over nothing! To shorten this up a bit, She is fine. They did an EKG and the Doc assured her these fluttering were nothing to be concerned over. Everyone has them. Sometimes they become more frequent or noticeable than others. And some people are more susceptible to them than others. He called them "PVCs" (Premature Ventricular Contractions).

Her PVCs are benign. This is what Karen needed to hear. He speculated they became more noticeable due increased caffeine consumption. Karen is always concerned with her caffeine consumption because it affects her sleep, always an issue with her. So she does a good job limiting her tea or soda consumption. The only thing we thought that may fall into this category (and I don't necessarily believe it is the cause) is the killer chocolate cake she made for Nancy's birthday Saturday night. She also has had small amounts of chocolate each day since. Neither of us believe she needs to (or is willing to) totally giving up chocolate. But she is going to try and completely stave off all caffeine, chocolate, tea, sodas) for a week or so to see if the PVCs stop or reduce.

So between the wart destruction, the Urgent Care visit, the EKG, and Tyler's meds, I figured we paid for a round of golf or two for two doctors and a pharmacist.

BUT, All is well and we consider ourselves fortunate.


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