Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It's almost the end of September... who would have thought...

Who would have thought we would still be waiting to sell our house in Durham.

Almost 6 months ago we put the house up for sale in a hot sellers market. By all accounts the house is well maintained, in a good neighborhood, it is bright, new carpet and tile throughout... Realtors were warning we needed to be prepared to move into an apt in Durham in case the house sold before we were ready to move to Dallas. Yet here we are. Our house has been shown, closing in on 90 times yet not a single offer. Not even a low ball offer. We have had to lower the price yet again. All total, $28000 from where we started.

Our new home is almost ready. Probably will be able to close in 3 weeks, though officially the date is still Oct 30th. Of course that takes money.

On top of that, the lease on our apartment is up the 31st of October, the POD that is still in storage's renewal comes up on the 21st of October

I can get a lease on the house in Durham, which helps in many ways but I still need to find money for a down payment on the new house.

College tuition, car payments, food, gas .....

I am feeling the pressure.

I know there are much more significant issues I could be dealing with at this point. I need to count myself lucky. I have a job that pays me well. I am relatively healthy (I need to work on my cholesterol and Glucose levels according to my new Doc.) and with exception of a significant scare this past weekend the family is all safe and healthy. I have a roof over my head, food on the table and people who love me no matter how stressful life becomes.

We will make it through this I am told. My confidence is a bit shaken but I still believe we will make it through it but still..... Who would have thought?


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