I have no problem with folks from other countries coming to live and work in the USA. I must qualify that however with the word 'legally'.
The immigrant communities late have been raising cane in recent months asking for more rights and respect and such. While everyone deserves respect, and basic human rights, If you are not in this country legally, you do not have the rights afforded to citizens or immigrants who enter this country legally. I don't want to hear "they do the work most American's won't do" as an excuse for turning a blind eye. There is no doubt the illegal immigrant portion of the population is an integral part of our economy. But unfortunately so is the drug trade. I am not in favor or turning a blind eye to either for monetary reasons. Bottom line either it is illegal or it is legal.
I will not argue that the immigration laws could or should not be changed to be more just and equitable. But I will argue that illegal immigrants should NOT be provided a free public education, welfare, subsidized housing, or any other public privileges or assistance.
It is like me going into a bank, holding it up, than opening an account at that bank for that money.
To George W & company:
Make the immigration laws such that you are afforded no privileges if living/working/visiting illegally. Children born of illegal immigrants should not automatically be afforded privileges unless/until the parents are granted citizenship or visa.
Make the laws such that hard working honest people from other countries can obtain visa and live and work legally So they can pay taxes and contribute to the economy and society.
Make the immigration laws such that it is easier work and prosper in America legally than illegally.
Make the laws such that knowingly hiring or harboring illegal immigrants is a federal offense and enforce it as such.
Mandate that legal immigrants be expected to maintain basic proficiencies in English and US/local laws to maintain their visa. Provide ESL training for legal immigrants to facilitate / expedite their ability to become a contributing part of society.
Those individuals who have already established residences and steady jobs and such in the country, who have, except for entering the country illegally, have been law abiding and a productive part of the community should be grandfathered in. Provide a limited amount of time to register for visas. After that enforce the law across the board.
Easier said than done I know but in my little utopia this is what I would do.
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