Friday, March 18, 2005


Just a quickie while my code compiles...

I am pretty sick of hearing about the steroid issue and major league baseball. In fact it is beginning Tick me off a bit.

WHY is there a special congressional committee holding hearing on steroids in baseball? How is this topic so important to the country as to tie up our law makers and the significant resources involved, never mind our tax dollars, to ask a bunch of million-air athletes if they use steroids?

Is the use of steroids not illegal? From what I can find on the web it appears it is. (see THIS LINK for more information). I realize not all web pages can be considered source of reliable source of information but for sake or argument lets make an assumption that non prescribed use of steroids is illegal. So the use is illegal. If someone is suspected of using an illegal drug then by golly law enforcement should investigate and, if warranted, arrest the offenders. Duh! I THINK the laws already cover this.

Why does Major league baseball garner this type of congressional attention. Is it a threat to our national security? Is it a threat to our commerce infrastructure? Does it threaten our National oil reserves? NO, at least not directly and to any great extent. No more than any other illegal activity of this magnitude.

If MLB wants to screen or not screen for steroids then that is their business. If law enforcement wants to screen for steroids then, assuming reasonable suspicion as define under current law enforcement practices, they can test! WHY does congress have any interest in this at all? Leave it to local or Federal law enforcement.

Then again...

I have heard on the radio (link to My favorite sports talk station) that MLB enjoys a special classification/exemption under Anti-trust laws that states, for some unknown reason, that MLB is not considered to be "interstate commerce". What the heck?!?! What could be more interstate commerce than a "NATIONAL" Baseball League? That issue is for anther day. BUT I can see how congress could manipulate MLB, much as they do public schools and intrastate highways. They can threaten to remove this special classification just as they hinge highway funding on a maximum speed limit and education funds on providing ESL classes. BUT baseball why?

The only argument I have heard to support the hoo-ha over the MLB steroid is because these professional athletes are role models for our national youth. Somehow the Steroid use of the nation's teens are the responsibility of Jose Canseko. There probably is some minor influence on our nation's teens but this should no longer be a law congressional level social issue than preventing Bill Clinton from going to McDonald's for a Big Mac because little Johnny is overweight. MAYBE a nice idea but not a national issue.

So in closing; A message to congress... GET BACK TO WORK!!!! If you really want to do something for our country, GET US OUT OF IRAQ!


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